Deal and Sandwich Community Support for Older People

Care Extra Plus CIC

We provide services to older people on a continuum from companionship to personal care.
This includes light housework, meal preparation, taking people out to appointments or for enjoyment, just chatting and having a cup of tea, help with washing and dressing, assisting with medication and anything else that may help.
We also provide respite for carers and our care workers are trained to support people with dementia.
Our clients will have one consistent care worker as we understand the importance of developing a trusting relationship between care worker and client.
The service is overseen by a former senior KCC social care manager who is committed to the highest standard of care. Our test is: ’this has to be good enough for our own family’.

Contact details

Organisation Care Extra Plus CIC
Contact name Lynne Atkinson
Address 3 Park Street, Deal, CT14 6AG, United Kingdom
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